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Offering Wine at Table

In orthodox circles, If person drives a car on shabbos, it is safe to say that he is not a shomrei Shabbos. This one is pretty easy. How about the scenario, where the host drinks wine at Shabbos table and not offering it to his guests? Would be this person considered a shomrei Shabbos too?


If I undersand correctly, the person drank wine at his own table, and didn’t offer any to his guests.

This is not very courteous behavior, and it might cause his guests to take offence, but it definitely won’t rank him as a non-shomer Shabbos.

How is failing to offer wine related to keeping Shabbos? Perhaps you mean that he didn’t offer wine for Kiddush, but this is still far from Shabbos desecration, chas ve-shalom.

Best wishes.

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