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Why are tzitzis all the same in the 21st Century?


In Germany in the 19th Century, there is the example of light blue silk tzitzis with gold embroidery (attached). This is one of the only surviving examples of the variations in tzitzis throughout history. How did we end up with the white with the black stripe tzitzis as the standard? Is it due to the mass manufacturing of the garment district and the ease of weaving and producing the great number that is required of tzitzis today across the world?

Would it be halachically allowed to wear a reproduction of the tzitzis in the photo attached today? What are the specifications that dictate what tzitzis can look like and are made of in halacha?


Attached file 1



The garment should be white as per Mishna Berura 9:16 who gives two reasons for this. The custom amongst Ashkenazim is to add black stripes towards the edge of the garment to remind us of the techeiles (based on Mishna Berura ibid, Pri Megadim Eishel Avraham 9:6).

All the best




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