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Follow up regarding wet underwear


Hi Rabbi, I had a very unusual occurrence last night. I was having a dream, and in my dream I had a large erection, and the sudden extreme need to use the bathroom, so I ran to the bathroom, and did my business,and then I felt like zera is coming out so I tried to push it back in (successfully). When I woke up in the morning,my bed was dry, but I noticed that my underwear was wet right around that area. Afterwards I put it crumpled underneath my blanket and a few hours later I noticed that it was hard-ish where it was previously wet. So my question is, was that considered semen and if so is the severity of the sin as great as when done during the day when your in full control? and how does one do teshuvah for such a thing and how do you know if you were forgiven? Tank you very much for this great website where you can feel that you’re getting a real p’sak halakha.
Thank you for your compliment! Regarding your question, something doesn’t sound right, because zera is not going to come out right after using the bathroom. (Maybe a drop right before using the bathroom). There is a special part of the body, that Hashem created in a man that when he is going to be motzei zera, that urine can not come out then. Secondly, there is no such thing as pushing the zera back in. Once it gets released from the body, it can not just go back in. L’halacha it is only considered zera if it comes out with a pumping action, and not the lubricating fluid that comes out beforehand. Not that we should do things if it will only cause that, but in retrospect it is not considered as if the issur was done. The way to do teshuva for these things is to try to minimize these occurrences, to be careful about what you a looking at, especially on the internet. Make sure to sleep on your side, avoid looking at pictures of women, especially immodest ones, and very important is to involve yourself in torah. Torah learning helps prevent such things from happening, and it is also a kapara for these aveiros. Especially learning with enthusiasm. When a person learns torah with energy, especially if he ends up sweating from toiling in torah, that is a kapara for the opposite “heat” that he caused his body to have from improper thoughts. Kesiva vchasima tova

Hi thank you for your response. This that I said about using the bathroom and pushing it back in was in my dream. When I woke up I saw that it was wet around that area. Does that mean that it was zera? And secondly, are you saying that the release of lubricating fluid possesses no issur at all?



Ok that sounds better.

Regarding lubricating fluid, it isn’t zera. A person should not bring himself to release that fluid either, because it is dangerously close to losing the actual zera.

Best wishes

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