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Forgetting the hagadah


Dear Rabbi,

I read my haggadah this year and was impressed that the command was to live in an eruv. I do not.

My father and mother live with me. Hashem has let me drive to Cleveland to daven and do small business. I will remain yet with any job and with that only the small of disability earnings. I spend the remainder of my time enjoying daily concentration of mind and bright day on computer or in news. I am odd but I sort hard when I am not in an eruv. It seems if ever Hashem moves me it might be wonderful but I do not know the health of the years will or will not be.

My ease shows Hashem is good. He has helped me on a project to add color and I have now 2 more paintings in my home over which since a danger of hardship put me in a mental health center, I learned to tap an unknown talent of painting oil and acylic. I candidly wonder how I could make a living for myself now that medical licensing failed. I know every day and even now study mathematics as well as medicine which is a private humor. Its likely a no run for employ.

How does Jacob odd find his spark in years outside eruv but does he elate the lapse in the workday if ever his achievement does not build the pace his eyes saw well to his educate? Can he humor that Hashem does have strength in his future or danger to worry if the world is just a place to wait a family sullen change he be alone and in drastic care. It seems years are put away in firm else.



There is no obligation to live in a place that has an eruv. If there is no eruv we just don’t carry things outside.

Best wishes



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