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Followup to Tekias Kaf


t was an agreement made between a husband and wife that the wife would keep three things (not halacha but kabalas). Only one of the three is something a normal person would be able to do, the other two are very difficult but the wife thought she would be able to do it but in the end could not… what does she need to do now or can she rely on the general hatteras nedarim her husband makes for her every year before yom kippur?

Thank you!

On Thu, Jul 9, 2020 at 12:46 PM dinonline wrote:
Shalom, dw.

Your question was answered on site DIN as private.

Tekias kaf and do you need to be matir neder

If someone asked you to agree to three things and you gave him your hand in agreement not knowing then the severity of what a tekias kaf means. If in the end you were only able to keep one of the three things do you need to be matir neder for the other two things? This happened a lot of years ago so can one rely on hataras nedarim that was done before Yom Kippur that the tekias kaf was nullified?

Thank you for your question. Please explain what happened a little better, so I can understand the context of the handshake. Thanks


I am sorry to do this to you again ,but I need to know the nature of the nedarim in order to answer you.




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