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Insects may be found under the thin peel that covers the chickpea. They are indiscernible when the pea is dry.
A.Bring the chickpeas to a boil in three times their volume of water.
B.Turn off the flame, cover the pot, and leave the chickpeas to soak for about three hours.
Alternatively, the chickpeas may be soaked in cold water for eight hours (Illustrations 199-201).
C.Take a handful at a time on the palm of your hand and examine the visible side. Turn onto the other hand and check the other side (Illustration 202). Continue this procedure with all the chickpeas. Remove any chickpea that has a round hole or a dark spot (Illustrations 74, 75, 203). Sometimes dark spots are only a surface stain and not an indication of infestation. In case of doubt, peel the chickpea and see whether there is an insect in a cavity under the peel. If the peeled chickpea is dark but does not have a hole, there is no problem.
D.If three chickpeas from the batch have definite infestation (typical deep round holes or a bug under the peel), each one in the batch should be peeled, halved, and checked.
Note: It is advisable to always halve several chickpeas from each batch, to make sure that there are no worms in the center of the chickpea.

Canned chickpeas

If they have mehadrin kashrus supervision, they are usually clean and it is not required to check them. If there is a dark brown stain on one, peel it and check for a worm under the peel.

Roasted chickpeas “Kadamess”

Usually clean. One is not required to check them.

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