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Eruv Chatzeiros


I hope that it is ok to ask this question. I could not describe it on the phone to anyone and it is relevant for this week. Is it possible to make an eruv chatzeiros here? (picture attached). THe question is that there is a space that is wider than 4 tefachim between properties but the eruv string comes on an angle and cuts through the space and on on side of the wide fence the space is 4 tefachim but not on the second side but there is 4 tefachim if the area outside of the eruv string is included. I really appreciate your help, especially at this time. Tizku L’mitzvos and got Yontif


Attached file 1


You are very correct, it is hard to understand your question, but according to the picture that you made, since the whole area is enclosed with a fence, and there is a dividing wall between both properties, if the space between the wall and the end of the property is less then 10 amos, then it is considered a pirtza and there is no need to make an eruv there. If you need more assistance I can refer you to Rav Spetner in Yerushalayim, who is an expert in hilchos eruvin and you can discuss it with him. His number is 02-586-6181.

Have a good Yom Tov

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