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Shabbos Timers and Eating Veal


Can you please tell me if one may setup a manual shabbos timer before shabbos/yom tov to have it turn on/off a hot plate instead of leaving the plate on for 2-3 days?

Also, can you please tell me what the Torah’s hashkafa is on eating an animal like veal which is seemingly abused (iron deficient diet, chained down in dark room to prevent movement, etc) beyond the point of developing our own middos in “elevating the animal’s level” the way we would a normal animal or korban?

Thank you!


On Yom Tov one can use a timer to  have it turn on/off a hot plate just like it is permitted to cook on Yom Tov. But regarding Shabbos there is a big halachic dispute if one can use a timer to heat up food. Never the less one can use a timer on Shabbos to switch off the hot plate.


Resp. Har Tzvi 1:136, Resp. Minchas Yitzchok 4:26, Resp. Igros Moshe O:CH 4:60, REsp. Mishnah Halochos 4:34 Chazon  Ish O:CH 38:2,

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