Rabbi Yehoshua Alt
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R’ Alt merited to learn under the tutelage of R’ Mordechai Friedlander Ztz”l for close to five years. He received Semicha from R’ Zalman Nechemia Goldberg. R’ Alt has written on numerous topics for various websites and publications. He lives with his wife and family in a suburb of Yerushalayim where he studies, writes and teaches. The author is passionate about teaching Jews of all levels of observance.
Thoughts Creating Reality
The story is told of two Chassidim who went to their Rebbe for a Bracha to have a child. One year later, they both returned to the Rebbe. Being that only one of them had a baby since receiving the Bracha, the childless Chassid was astonished. The Chassid with the child asked the other what he did after he received the Bracha. He responded that he waited for it to become fulfilled. The childless Chassid inquired: what did you do after receiving the Bracha? He replied that he bought a carriage as he believed the Bracha would come to fruition.[1] Believing in something[2] can cause it to happen.[3]
Rashi tells us Noach was a מאמין ואינו מאמין, he believed but didn’t believe fully that the Mabul would come.[4] How could we say this if we know Noach was a Tzadik?[5] The Ohaiv Yisrael[6] answers: of course he believed what Hashem said that the Mabul would come. However, what one believes makes it become a reality.[7] If Noach believed the Mabul would come, he may bring it about. Therefore, although he believed Hashem, in a certain way he actively doubted it so as not to bring it about.
A woman who wanted a natural birth after a caesarian was instructed by a Rav to go to a doctor who believed this can happen. After following this advice she had a natural birth.[8]
To be happy when you are in a trouble,[9] see the desired outcome.[10] For example, if you are in need of a Shiduch, see the salvation. See the kind of spouse you want with the life you desire. If you desire to have a child, picture it happening. Look forward to it just like you look forward to the sun rising. We must imagine the good we are seeking.[11]
Recently, at a סעודת הודאה someone made from being cured from a deadly sickness, he said that the following was the secret to his recovery: “One day, lying in the hospital, the doctors convened near my bed, assuming I was asleep since my eyes were closed. One doctor said that according to statistics, he barely has a chance to live. Yet, I'm certain he will survive because he has a strong desire to live. After hearing those words, I made a strong commitment to remain strong and pull out of the illness. I constantly thought, ‘I have the willpower to live and I will survive.’ That is what pulled me through the road until recovery.” The man then introduced the doctor. In his speech, the doctor related the following: “Everything the patient said was true. I remember that meeting at his bedside, when I said that the patient will recover due to his strong desire to live. However, I was speaking about a different patient, not about him. His illness was so severe that I didn’t imagine he could survive, even with a strong desire. I learned from his recovery that when one has a strong desire to live, he can recover even from the most severe illness. Also, encouragement goes a long way, even when the patient only imagines that it was intended for him.”
To put what we said into practice the following advice has been offered: picture something specific that you want (it must be realistic) happening by a precise time. For example one can picture his non-religious child observing Shabbos by October. Anticipate Hashem’s salvation.[12]
Think of activities you will be doing in the next few days (learning, a business meeting, Tefila) and picture that it will be successful.[13] What does success look like? How does it feel? Success can be a meeting going well, not looking at the improper, overcoming temptation, finishing a book at a certain time, doing well on a test and so on. Imagine how grateful[14] you will be at end of the day.[15] When success comes where will you be? What will you feel and hear around you? What will you be doing? Who else will be there? What will they look like? What will others say to you? What will you be saying to yourself?[16]
The Pasuk says רבות מחשבות…היא תקום[17], man has many thoughts, the counsel of Hashem will prevail. This can be understood that we think many thoughts daily, yet we have the ability to cause עצת ה' היא תקום. That is to say, if we choose positive thoughts that are favorable in Hashem’s eyes. Then we can cause those thoughts to fulfill themselves, to come true in a constructive way.
[1] This is in accordance with בא ליטהר מסייעים אותו, if one comes to purify himself they help him (Shabbos 104a). Likewise, Chazal say בדרך שאדם רוצה לילך בה מוליכין אותו, in the way one wants to go, they lead him (Makkos 10b).
[2] This world is a feedback universe, as Hashem runs the world measure for measure. We can create our reality (See also Eicha 3:38, Rashi).
[3] The Gra (to Mishlei 27:19) tells us that just as water reflects one’s face so does the face of one person to another. If one has good feelings for another, that person will feel the same about him even though he doesn’t know what is going on in the other’s heart (see Ohr Hachaim, Shemos 33:11). The Gra writes elsewhere (Mishlei 14:17) one who has evil thoughts even though he doesn’t reveal it, will still be despised. That is, even though no one knows what he is thinking. The feeling is transmitted through the subconscious (See also Ohr Hachaim, Breishis 44:18, s.v. ובדרך דרש).
[4] Breishis 7:7.
[5] Breishis 6:9.
[6] Ohaiv Yisrael, Noach, s.v. ויבא.
[7] In fact, this is what Emuna means as in ויהי אמן את הדסה (Esther 2:7).
[8] At times we see that which we believed didn’t come to fruition. This is because the bottom line is that Hashem knows what is best.
[9] Let us cite the amazing words of R’ Moshe Kobriner (Toras Avos, דרכים בעבודת הבורא, 209): a Jew must and is obligated to believe that the darkness will pass and be replaced by light. We must keep in mind קץ שם לחשך, He sets a limit to the darkness (Iyov 28:3).
[10] See Sefer Haikarim, Maamar 4, chapter 49. Then you are in the solution, not the problem.
[11] In this way we can gasp האמנתי כי אדבר אני עניתי מאד (Tehillim 116): we must believe that one day we will say I was in pain. That is to say, believe that this trouble will go away.
[12] It has been recommended repeating the following: ‘I believe in Hashem and trust Him. Nothing exists besides Him. Hashem fulfills all my needs and imbues me with health and energy. I have self-worth. I choose goodness and draw goodness into my life and with Hashem’s help, I am improving daily. Hashem gives me success and enables me to succeed in all my endeavors. Hashem protects me, my family and all that is mine. Thank you Hashem for all your abundant goodness.’
[13] When we imagine something and picture it, we are already there. All we need to do is just physically put ourselves there.
[14] Just as a father loves giving to a grateful child, so does Hashem love giving to his children that are grateful. We should ask Hashem to help us recognize the blessings He sends so that we can thank him. We can repeat to ourselves ‘I believe and trust that Hashem loves me and is making my goal a reality.’
[15] Remember days of the past when you felt the presence of Hashem when He helped you. How did you think and feel then?
[16] We need to imagine and hope for Hashem’s Chessed (Tehillim 48:10, Rashi). This is what Hashem wants—those who hope for His kindness as in רוצה ה'…המיחלים לחסדו (Tehillim 147:11. Also ואני בחסדך בטחתי, I trust in Hashem’s kindness—Tehillim 13:6.). This is how Dovid Hamelech lived as even before the salvation, he would praise Hashem because he was sure that he would be saved from his enemies (Tehillim 18:4, Rashi)! In a similar vein, we see this with the women who left Mitzraim as the righteous women of the generation were certain Hashem would perform miracles for them. This is why they took tambourines out of Mitzraim (Shemos 15:20, Rashi).
[17] Mishlei 19:21. It says in Likutai Moharan (193) that thought is so powerful that if we focus our thoughts on something, we can actually make that thing occur—even money.